Thursday 15 January 2015

Create a VIRTUAL CD and DRIVE.

                Some CDs should be always inserted in the PC before running any of their related app and always inserting the CDs makes the user feel uneasy and destroys the CD as well. It also destroys the portability of a system. In order to solve such problem we have a software that creates an image or we may use the word a Virtual Disc.

                Daemon Tools is such a handy software that not only creates a Virtual CD but also creates a Virtual DVD-CD ROM. We may use this software to insert and eject the Virtual CD in a Virtual ROM and eject it whenever we want. It can’t just read an Virtual CD but also create one either with a format of .iso and .mdx. It can also burn CDs and sort out a lot of problems with such apps requiring the CDs.

                If you have such problems then its worth using. Download your file from here.  

Surf with FAST video Buffering.

                Many of us are now tired of slow online buffering of videos. Watching online videos is though convenient as it provides no need for downloading along with the instant access to several vidoes providing you whatever you need but quite often this becomes a headache for some of those who suffer the slow buffering problem. Such people often accuse their internet and rightfully so but that something that they can sort out by themselves.
                is one such software that allows you to surf approximately 2 times better than on the actual internet support. Moreover there is no need to activate it every time you use, instead it activates itself whenever you surf a video in majority cases. It is by default compatible with several famous and worthy sites including YOUTUBE,DAILYMOTION,VIMEO etc.
To solve such slow buffering problems one can surely do something with the software and here I have got one.

                This is software is pretty easy to use rather you don’t need to use it again and again, once you have just installed it, it does the rest. Its PREMUM Version allows you to surf HD videos even faster. Yiu can get your copy for windows right here download Video Accelerator.

Time to get rid of ADDS.

                Now after a hole hustle and bustle and running in search of getting rid of the ugly and nasty adds, now it’s time to get rid of them. Mostly the adds on several  web-sites not only make a person feel itchy about it but most of them contain such inappropriate or should I say such adult material that isn’t acceptable in any sort in our society.
                Moreover they also slow down the internet speed which is being constantly reduced by these silly adds. Though some adds prove handy on times but most of them are worth ignoring. Here’s a useful tool that would help everybody to get rid of those adds. AdBlock is a tool which is provided in majority of the browsers as an extension. The plus point of the add-on is this that it can be deactivated at any point you want and can allow some typical adds of your choice to play.
                The extension is available on browsers including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc. Hopefully this would give peace to several place lives being affected by these stupid adds.

                For Google chrome users, here is a link Get the AdBlock

Compression and Decompression of files.

                Tired of spending bundles of time in uploading files with a relatively larger size or you don’t have the solution to get rid of the entire time wasting material, well here we do have a quality solution that has been a helping hand for several sitting on this planet. Presenting the great WinRAR which has solved millions of problems around the globe.

                WinRAR is exceptional software presented by RAR labs. The software provides the user to compress the file with a significant decrease in its size. Moreover there has been a problem in the uploading size limit or mostly there is an issue with the data transfer in a USB which cannot transfer a file greater than a specific limit. This software enables the user to divide the file into several tiny files that can be recollected, transferred and then re-extracted easily.
                Its plus point is also that it does not only compress the files but also decompresses/extracts several zipped or compressed files so it may be considered as COMBO. Files can be handled with different kinds of options as per the requirements. Files with .zip and .rar extension can be produced using the application.
                Now for the people who thought of a magic of reducing the size of files have now got their wizard. Remembering the word WIZARD reminds me that we can also create a WIZARD or a self-extractable file that helps the user avoids the complications.    

                So do try it. Get one for your windows device right here Download WinRAR. However it is already available for several Android devices as well.