Thursday 15 January 2015

Compression and Decompression of files.

                Tired of spending bundles of time in uploading files with a relatively larger size or you don’t have the solution to get rid of the entire time wasting material, well here we do have a quality solution that has been a helping hand for several sitting on this planet. Presenting the great WinRAR which has solved millions of problems around the globe.

                WinRAR is exceptional software presented by RAR labs. The software provides the user to compress the file with a significant decrease in its size. Moreover there has been a problem in the uploading size limit or mostly there is an issue with the data transfer in a USB which cannot transfer a file greater than a specific limit. This software enables the user to divide the file into several tiny files that can be recollected, transferred and then re-extracted easily.
                Its plus point is also that it does not only compress the files but also decompresses/extracts several zipped or compressed files so it may be considered as COMBO. Files can be handled with different kinds of options as per the requirements. Files with .zip and .rar extension can be produced using the application.
                Now for the people who thought of a magic of reducing the size of files have now got their wizard. Remembering the word WIZARD reminds me that we can also create a WIZARD or a self-extractable file that helps the user avoids the complications.    

                So do try it. Get one for your windows device right here Download WinRAR. However it is already available for several Android devices as well.

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